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About Arrow
At Arrow, our core service is Business English. This strategic focus allows us to provide unparalleled quality and results for our clients. We have a proven methodology and the ability to measure the results our clients achieve, which most language service providers in Norway do not provide.
With our Business English Training, clients can choose to follow either a general business English curriculum, or have their curriculum specifically focussed on a particular business English sector (e.g. financial, HR, strategy, etc).
We offer:
All course material is developed by Arrow based on the specific needs of the client.
New clients will receive a needs assessment at the beginning of their training. This allows us to not only create an effective curriculum but also the parameters by which we measure the results of our clients.
How we’re different
For One-to-One and Group training, each training session comprises at least two training hours of 45 minutes (90 minutes total).
For Bespoke training, clients typically dedicate 1-2 days to a specific topic. This could be anywhere from 4-8 hours.
We understand that business professionals cannot absolutely guarantee that they will be able to complete the assignments we provide.
That said, after each and every session we provide our clients assignments so that they may make the most of their Business English training. Assignments are not time-intensive and are simply meant to reinforce the learning that has taken place during training sessions.
Business Professionals in the B2B market
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